The Fuel Polishing Formula of Clear-Diesel Fuel & Tank Cleaner removes water and slime, disperses contaminants and stabilizes fuel during long-term storage.
Clear-Diesel Fuel & Tank Cleaner is an advanced diesel fuel and tank cleaning technology. Water has always been a problem in diesel fuel. But today’s cleaner-burning fuels have dramatically reduced sulfur content and are more prone to water separation, contamination and are inherently unstable. This Fuel Polishing Formula removes water and slime, disperses fuel contaminants and stabilizes fuel during long-term storage. It can be used as a vital part of any preventive maintenance program or for immediate clean-up of equipment or fuel storage tanks. Add Clear-Diesel at least quarterly or as needed.
An advanced diesel fuel and tank cleaner.
Disperses diesel fuel contaminants
Removes water and slime
+Petrofresh provides maximum long-term storage stability – keeps fuel fresh
Prevents premature fuel-filter plugging
Protects against fuel tank corrosion
Effective in conjunction with Bio Kleen Diesel Fuel Biocide to remove residual water and contaminants during microbial contamination clean-ups
Effective in all diesel fuels, including Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD), biodiesel and biodiesel blends
Does not contain alcohol of any kind
Safe for use in all diesel engines
Will not void engine manufacturer’s warranty when used as directed